The importance of nutrition and supplementation in the intrauterine period in the formation of the fetus: a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach
pregnancy, micronutrients, nutritionAbstract
The objective of the study was to evaluate the nutritional profile of pregnant women attending a primary health care unit. This is a cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach, using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and gestational BMI. High consumption of ultra-processed foods was observed, such as sugar (42%), chocolate (18%), cake (18%), sandwich cookies (10%) and ice cream (9%). Regarding supplement use, 87% of the sample used iron, 69% used folic acid and 9% used omega-3. Regarding gestational BMI, the majority were overweight in the second and third trimesters. Our data suggest a positive correlation between lower income and lower levels of education. This study reflects the nutritional profile of pregnant women covered by the SUS (Brazil's Unified Health System), being important to define the geographical profile of each region and improve the quality of the diet, promoting healthier pregnancies and low-risk deliveries.
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