From diagnosis to treatment: stigmas, challenges and reflections on obesity




weight loss, BMI, feeding behavior, fatphobia, restrictive diets


The issues involving obesity are multifactorial. The most common orientation about it is to encourage weight loss. However, the summary of this disease only to its biological aspects has not been effective. The objective of this work was to bring up a reflection about the obstacles that hinder the health care of people with obesity. This is a narrative and reflective review of propositions that do not relate solely to the biological point of view of obesity. A discussion was built about the stigmas that hinder the guarantee of health for fat people. It is noticed that the use of the BMI tool is not effective individually, being indicated the new percentage weight loss classification, referring to the history of greater weight. In addition, the recommendation is to discourage restrictive diets, provide guidance on eating behaviors, offer stigma-free support from healthcare professionals and ensure access to integral and humanized health.

Author Biography

Felipe Carlos de Macedo Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Doutorando em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Mestre em Nutrição pela UFRN. Graduando em Farmácia pela UFRN. Pós-Graduado em Saúde Pública e em Saúde Mental pela UFRN. Graduação em Nutrição pela UFRN. Nutricionista.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, F. C. de M. (2024). From diagnosis to treatment: stigmas, challenges and reflections on obesity. Multitemas, 29(72), 7–22.