A civil war in Syria: a brief look on Aleppo from Hannah Arendt
civil war, dignity, extermination, banality of evilAbstract
This paper looks at the current Syrian Civil War, in special the situations occurred in the city of Aleppo, through the political-philosophical view of Hannah Arendt. Starting from the assumption of philosophical reflection and using a relevant bibliographical revision, we turning back to the possible contribution of the Arendtian concepts into the reflection about the situation experienced by the Syrian people. This research is organized in three moments: 1. Exposition of the Syrian Civil War in Aleppo; 2. Presentation and understanding of the Arendtian concepts that can contribute here; and 3. Return to the concepts of Arendt reflected on the light of the Syrian Civil War, especially on the tangent to human dignity and extermination. It can be concluded that retaking such concepts makes possible to think of the human being as subject of rights by the simple fact of its existence, reason ignored by those who make the war by annihilating the dignity, sometimes transforming the massacres into statistical data, sometimes completely ignoring all the murders and continuous destructions.
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