A critical discourse analysis on the social performance of Digital Port in Bairro do Recife, PE: power, technology and inclusive politics





Critical Discourse Analysis, neoliberalism, technology, power


This work presents as a general theme the functioning of the urban technological park Porto Digital, located in the Bairro do Recife, PE. It is an enterprise aimed at the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, whose annual economic revenue is approximately R$ 2.86 billion. The research aimed to investigate the discourse of Porto Digital about its performance in the Bairro do Recife from the analysis of its Manual of Corporate Social Responsibility. For the construction of its theoretical contribution, we resorted to studies by Fairclough (2001) on Critical Discourse Analysis; Thompson (1995) with the means of manifestation of ideology; and Gramsci (1971) to discuss hegemonic relations. In terms of methodology, we adopted an analytical qualitative model, based on the three-dimensional model proposed by Fairclough (2001), through the application of the following strategic steps: 1st − perception of a social problem with semiotic aspects; 2nd − identification of obstacles to overcome the problem; 3rd − investigation of the role of the problem in practice; 4th − investigation of possible ways to overcome obstacles; 5th − reflection on the analysis. As a result, it is possible to identify the presence of a neoliberal ideology, whose discursive order aims to guarantee the maintenance and permanence of the domain of the business community, which, in turn, is institutionalizing itself as an agent of transformation in the city of Recife.

Author Biography

Moab Duarte Acioli, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1983). Specialist in Psychiatry from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1986). Master in Cultural Anthropology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1990). Doctor in Public Health from the State University of Campinas (2001). He works as Adjunct Professor II at the Catholic University of Pernambuco, in the Medicine Course at the Center for Biological and Health Sciences. Professor, researcher and supervisor of the Master's and Doctorate in Language Sciences at the Catholic University of Pernambuco. Lines of research: Critical Discourse Analysis and Linguistic Anthropology. Member of the Ethics Committee of the Catholic University of Pernambuco. Member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus of the Medicine Course at the Catholic University of Pernambuco. Professor, advisor and preceptor of the Mental Health Residency at the University of Pernambuco. Presents oral communications and participates in panels, round tables at regional, national and international scientific meetings. Author of technical reports, scientific articles, book chapters and book organizer. She has been developing research with undergraduate and graduate students around an interdisciplinary field involving Health Anthropology, Public Health, Mental Health, Psychopathology and Language.


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How to Cite

alves de andrade, maria eduarda, & Duarte Acioli, M. (2023). A critical discourse analysis on the social performance of Digital Port in Bairro do Recife, PE: power, technology and inclusive politics. Interações (Campo Grande), 24(3), 991–1001. https://doi.org/10.20435/inter.v24i3.3844