Analysis of the urban expansion of Marília, São Paulo: a look at the periurban riparian forest remnants
forest cover, water conservation, landscape metricsAbstract
Due to its location, the city of Marília, SP, is located in an important region for water supply in the west of São Paulo, and its urban area advances over the springs, making it necessary to preserve the already degraded and fragmented riparian forests. Thus, the objective was to temporally analyze the landscape in regions of water interest, in order to assess the potential for conservation of the forest fragments responsible for this resource. A temporal analysis was carried out in the years 1989, 1999, 2009, and 2019, using images from the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellites, with 30 m of spatial resolution. In the ArcMap 10.3 program, land use was grouped into six classes: forest formation, forest plantation, natural non-forest formation, agriculture, non-vegetated areas, and water. For the entire municipality, landscape metrics CA (land cover) and PLAND (proportion of land cover) were calculated for the six land use classes. An analysis of the forest cover was carried out from a 5 km buffer around the urban area, and five more metrics of area, edge, and shape were calculated. Patch Analyst software version was used to calculate landscape metrics. The classes that most stood out in terms of area size were agriculture (93,962.07 ha; 80.27%), forest formation (15,682.97 ha; 13.40%), and non-vegetated areas (5,220.63 ha; 4.46 %). The largest proportional increases were in forest planting (0.11 to 1.27 ha), water (0.02 to 0.05 ha), and non-vegetated areas (2.17 to 4.45 ha), while agriculture lost area (85.73 to 80.27 ha). There has been an increase in forested areas in the last 30 years from the appearance of small and morphologically fragile fragments; in addition, with the increase in urban area, conflicts with the nearest forest remnants increase.
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