The interfaces of local development in 21 editions of Interações journal (2000-2010)
scientific articles, local development, Interações journalAbstract
This research studied the Interações journal from the perspective of concepts and practices of local development. It aimed to highlight and identify the concepts and practices of local development inserted in 21 editions of Interações journal from the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), in the periods from 2000 to 2010. The work, in addition to its historical value, is classified by the inductive method with a qualitative and quantitative approach to understanding the phenomenon of local development. In addition, it has exploratory and analytical specificity, making use of descriptive bibliographic research to offer the reader theoretical conceptions about the concepts of local development, with observations and experiences of empirical works. We established as objective of the guiding questions of this study: the importance of Interações journal for teachers and students of the Master’s Program in Local Development, as well as exploring and highlighting its theoretical-conceptual frameworks and the survey of the general data of published articles (2000-2010). The results identified 22 scientific articles published in Interações journal (2000-2010) that deal with culture, identity, and diversity in the territorial dynamics, with the inclusion of reports and interviews sustained through research on the concepts and practical observations of the theme. We concluded that the results of the research can contribute to the dissemination of knowledge among teachers, students, researchers, local agents, and others interested in the subject at national and international levels.
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