About the Journal
Brief History
Interações (Campo Grande) was created by the Doctorate and Master's Program in Local Development at the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), which is based in the city of Campo Grande, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and is linked to the Pro-Rectory for Research and Postgraduate Studies. Since its first issue in September 2000, the journal has aimed to provide subsidies for the adoption of new local forms of social behavior, with a view to endogenous development through its own instruments, rules and strategies. In this sense, it seeks to respect cultural diversity and promote the autonomous management of resources and techniques characteristic of the territories.
In addition, the journal has become an essential tool for the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Local Development - Masters and Academic Doctorate, with the aim of consolidating publications that contribute not only to the training of researchers but also to the constant updating of knowledge in the area. In this way, it aims to highlight the diversity present in notions that are widely shared globally in relation to local development.
The journal's cover also reflects one of the main concerns of researchers in this field of knowledge: development on a human scale, placing the human being at the center of the development process. The image chosen for the cover aims to illustrate this approach, reinforcing the focus on the importance of the individual and their needs within the context of local development.
To this end, Interações seeks to promote discussions and disseminate research that stimulates reflection on new approaches and practices in the field of local development, thus contributing to scientific progress and improving knowledge in this area of study.
Compliance with Open Science
Interações (Campo Grande) promotes open science practices and data sharing in various ways. The journal seeks to establish its own data repository within SciELO-Data: https://data.scielo.org/ offering a dedicated space for storing and accessing research data.
Authors are required to include a “Data Availability Statement” in their articles, indicating whether the data is accessible and where to find it. The journal also requires authors to submit an “Open Science Compliance Form”, expressing their commitment to the principles of open science.
This form covers the availability of data, preprints and transparency in peer review. By implementing these policies, Interações supports scientific integrity, collaboration and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Local Development.
Ethics in Publishing
Preventing and denying articles with misconduct
Because we do not encourage any research misconduct, the Editorial Board and Editors-in-Chief of Interações (Campo Grande) have endeavored to prevent and not publish articles in which misconduct has occurred.
The stance of the Editorial Board and editors-in-chief
It is up to the editor-in-chief to make the final decision regarding submitted articles, based on the policies decided by the Editorial Board, the Scientific Committee and the journal's Editorial Board. These policies comply with current legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
Editors and referees must prioritize impartiality, integrity and confidentiality in their evaluation, prioritizing constructive criticism and the deadline agreed with the journal (SciELO, 2018, p. 3).
Any allegation of research misconduct should be immediately investigated. Interações (Campo Grande) is always available to publish corrections, clarifications, right of reply, retractions and apologies, when necessary.
Privacy statement
The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.
Authors' responsibility
Authors are responsible not only for the content of their articles but also for the copyright of images, videos and any textual or complementary elements to their articles.
With regard to Interações (Campo Grande), authors are obliged to offer retractions or corrections of any errors made.
Authors must ensure that their text is original and must not submit the same text to more than one journal. The journal makes it clear that any form of plagiarism discovered through the anti-plagiarism review tools is unacceptable.
When submitting an article, the author should only include researchers who have directly and substantially contributed to the design or execution of the research, or the preparation of the text, and who have given their express permission to be included.
Authors are responsible for clearly, completely and accurately recording the data and information collected, the procedures and the results obtained. This data must be stored responsibly for a substantial period after the results of the study have been published, and can be made available to other researchers who want to continue the study and replicate it. If there is any impediment for ethical or legal reasons, access to the studies may be prevented.
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (https://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?pid=S0187-58X2020000100103&script=sci_arttext&tlng=pt)
recommends that authorship be based on the following four criteria:
- substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work;
- drafting the work or critically reviewing it for important intellectual content;
- final approval of the version to be published;
- agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the article, in order to ensure that questions relating to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved (ICMJE, 2019, p. 2).
The citation process
It is important that all types of document citations (articles, books, among others), as well as data, codes, research materials, are duly cited in the article and pointed out in the references, as a way of acknowledging the original intellectual contributions of the respective authors of the cited content (SCIELO, 2019, p. 3).
Focus and Scope
Interações (Campo Grande) aims to promote the production and dissemination of high-quality knowledge on the subject of Local Development.
With a broad scope, the journal covers various aspects related to this area, aiming to contribute to the academic advancement and practice of Local Development.
Digital Preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy.
Indexing Sources
Bases and Databases
- Clase: http://clase.unam.mx.
- EBSCO: https://www.ebsco.com/
- Fatcat https://fatcat.wiki/container/czn6ktf5mjdb5fnekk3qhqivum -
- GeoDados https://www.geodados.com.br/sistema
- IAIPK https://www.iai.spk-berlin.de/startseite.html
- IBSS https://tls.search.proquest.com/titlelist/jsp/list/tlsSearch.jsp
- Latindex https://latindex.org/latindex/ficha/24341
- Mirabel http://bioinfo.univ-rouen.fr/mirabel/index.php?page=mir
- OpenAlex https://openalex.org/
- Sudoc https://abes.fr/en/reseau-sudoc/sudoc-outils-et-services/catalogue-sudoc/
- WIKIDATA https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page
- ZDB https://zdb-katalog.de/index.xhtml
- Journal title: Interações (Campo Grande)
- Short title: Interações (Campo Grande)
- Published by: Editora da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco
- Periodicity: Quarterly
- Type of publication: Continuous publication
- Year the journal was created: 2000
Websites and Social Media
PPGDL-UCDB-MS website: https://interacoes.ucdb.br/interacoes
Interações (Campo Grande) adopts careful selection policies, involving a team of specialists in the field of Local Development. It also seeks to promote interdisciplinarity and encourage contributions from national and international researchers, consolidating itself as an academic reference in the field.
- Originality: it stands out for accepting only unpublished articles, establishing itself as a cutting-edge publication vehicle. Preference is given to writing in English, to ensure a global reach, although submissions in Portuguese or Spanish are also considered, provided they meet the journal's publication standards.
- Thematic relevance: maintains a strict focus on issues related to Local Development. By concentrating exclusively on this field of study, the journal positions itself as an authority on the subject, attracting contributions from highly specialized researchers and academics. This approach guarantees the publication of articles that deal with current and relevant issues, boosting the theoretical and practical development of Local Development.
- Internationalization: in line with the internationalization policy of the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB). It seeks to promote the dissemination and exchange of knowledge on local development on a global scale, encouraging the submission of articles by researchers and academics from different countries and regions. It also strives to establish partnerships and collaborations with international teaching and research institutions, promoting the dissemination of knowledge on Local Development beyond national borders.
- Positioning: it seeks to strengthen its strategic positioning as an academic benchmark at national and international level. It is dedicated to building and strengthening the reputation of UCDB and its academic community, consolidating itself as a publication vehicle of high impact and relevance. The journal strives to stand out for the quality of its published articles, its scientific rigor and the scope of its research, attracting the attention and recognition of renowned researchers, professionals and institutions in the field of Local Development.
- Quality: constantly seeks to improve and increase the quality of productions related to Local Development at national and international level. This is achieved through a rigorous and careful review process, with the participation of reviewers specialized in the subject. The journal strives to publish articles of a high scientific standard that make significant contributions to the field of Local Development, promoting debates and theoretical and practical advances.
- Transversality: is committed to promoting transversality between the lines of research of the UCDB Local Development Program. It encourages interdisciplinarity and collaboration between different areas of knowledge, seeking to integrate different theoretical and methodological approaches. The journal values the diversity of perspectives and the interaction between the various actors involved in local development, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences between academia, governments, civil society organizations and communities.
- Open access: Interações (Campo Grande) adopts an open access policy as part of its editorial approach. This means that all articles published in the journal are made available free of charge, allowing broad and democratic access to scientific knowledge. This open access policy aims to increase the visibility and impact of the journal, making the articles accessible not only to researchers and professionals in the field, but also to the general public. In addition, open access can attract more authors interested in contributing their work, thus promoting the continuous advancement of knowledge in the field of Local Development.
- Feedback and continuous improvement: Interações (Campo Grande) is open to feedback from authors, reviewers and readers and constantly seeks to improve its processes and policies. This includes analyzing the comments received, implementing suggested improvements and communicating transparently with everyone involved.
By following these publication policies, Interações (Campo Grande) has established itself as a leading journal, committed to promoting cutting-edge research and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Local Development. This approach is reflected in our reputation as a leading journal, attracting renowned researchers and academics and strengthening the impact of our publications on the global scientific scene.
Interações (Campo Grande) only publishes scientific articles and research papers that necessarily deal with significant themes related to Local Development, including:
1 Culture, Heritage and Social Inclusion: Articles submitted to the journal should explore the connection between local development, cultural identity, historical heritage and social inclusion. This covers topics such as cultural preservation, cultural tourism, local heritage appreciation policies and their influence on community development, with a focus on promoting social inclusion and reducing socio-economic inequalities.
2 Public Policies for Local Development: The journal accepts papers that discuss public policies and government actions related to this area, including analysis of social inclusion policies, anti-poverty programs, housing and infrastructure policies, tax incentives, sustainability (SDGs) and other relevant topics.
3 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Local Contexts: The journal encourages the submission of articles that examine the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in local development. This includes studies on stimulating local entrepreneurship, the impact of startups and small businesses on the local economy, innovation strategies in specific sectors and other related topics.
4 Participation and Community Involvement in Local Development: The journal accepts research that explores the importance of community participation in the local development process. This includes studies on citizen participation mechanisms, strengthening civil society, participatory governance, the participation of marginalized groups and other related topics.
5 Cooperation and Partnerships for Local Development: The journal values research that addresses forms of cooperation and partnerships between different actors to promote local development. This can include studies on public-private partnerships, collaboration between civil society organizations, international cooperation, collaboration networks and other relevant aspects.
Interações (Campo Grande), therefore, focuses on the publication of scientific articles and research papers on Local Development and articles submitted that do not take this into account will not be approved for the next steps until final publication.
The attitude of reviewers
Reviewers must declare in writing in the journal's system that there are no conflicts of interest when carrying out a review; that is, they must disclose to the editors and publishers any relationships or activities that could bias their opinions on the manuscript and they must refuse to review specific manuscripts if there is potential for bias (ICMJE, 2019, p. 2).
The articles reviewed must be treated as confidential. The final decision on whether or not to publish a text rests with the Editorial Board and the editors-in-chief.
All participants in the peer review and publication process - not only authors, but also reviewers, editors and members of the Journal Editorial Board - should consider and disclose their relationships and activities when fulfilling their roles in the article review and publication process (ICMJE, 2019, p. 2).
Reviewers should not use knowledge of the work they are reviewing prior to publication in order to promote their own interests.
Evaluation of articles received
Whenever a text is of academic quality and meets the criteria established by the journal, it is sent for double-blind peer review by at least two referees.
Interações' evaluation criteria are twofold: the textual and scientific quality of the article; and the improvement, quality and expansion of knowledge.
The Editorial Board is not allowed to use information from articles under evaluation without the explicit consent of the authors. With regard to open peer review, the journal gives authors the option and Interações (Campo Grande) adopts three types of peer review:
Double-blind peer review: authors and reviewers do not know each other's identity.
Single-blind peer review: in this modality the authors reveal their identity, but the referees remain anonymous.
Open peer review: authors and reviewers know each other's identity.
Interações (Campo Grande) publishes the name of the editor responsible for the evaluation in the article approved for publication.
The standard form of evaluation adopted by the journal is double-blind. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors and, for this reason, the evaluation can be single-blind or open.
Continuous flow and agility: Interações (Campo Grande) adopts a continuous flow of articles, except when it promotes the publication of dossiers and special issues, which allows researchers to submit their work at any time, without strict deadline restrictions. This policy demonstrates our commitment to speeding up the publication process, guaranteeing a rapid response to authors and encouraging excellent scientific production.
From 2024, Interações (Campo Grande) will adopt the Continuous Publication format, following an international trend in electronic scientific publishing that aims to promote greater agility and dynamism in the research publication process. In this format, manuscripts are published as soon as the evaluation and final review processes have been completed. This makes it possible for papers to be published before the corresponding issue is due to close, allowing research to be accelerated and contributing to the specialized academic debate.
It's important to emphasize that Continuous Publishing format has not made any changes to the submission stage, respecting all the evaluation and editing criteria set out in our editorial policy, as well as the deadlines for submitting manuscripts. In addition, issue closings remain in line with the journal's quarterly periodicity.
Interações (Campo Grande) has specific policies for the publication of thematic dossiers/special issues, seeking to promote an in-depth and interdisciplinary approach to relevant topics in the field of Local Development. These policies aim to guarantee the quality, diversity and topicality of the dossiers published. Below are the guidelines applied to thematic dossiers:
Highlighted themes: thematic dossiers/special editions cover emerging issues, current debates and conceptual advances in the field of Local Development. Relevant and innovative themes are selected, with the potential to significantly contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this area. Dossier proposals must be aligned with the journal's research lines and represent a valuable contribution to the field.
1 Expert coordination: each thematic dossier/special issue is coordinated by recognized experts in the field. These coordinators have extensive experience and knowledge of the topics covered, guaranteeing the excellence and scope of the discussions within the dossier. They are responsible for selecting the articles submitted, coordinating the peer review process and ensuring the quality and thematic coherence of the articles published.
2 Open call: Interações (Campo Grande) announces open calls for articles to be submitted to the thematic dossiers/special issues, inviting researchers and academics to contribute their research and reflections. The calls are published on various academic and scientific channels, seeking to attract a wide range of contributions from national and international researchers.
3 Rigorous evaluation: the articles submitted to the thematic dossiers/special issues go through a rigorous evaluation process, following the journal's general peer review guidelines. The dossier coordinators select reviewers specialized in the topic, who analyze the articles based on criteria such as originality, methodological rigor, relevance and contribution to the field of Local Development.
By following these dossier/special issue publication policies, Interações (Campo Grande) strengthens its commitment to academic excellence, promoting the dissemination of relevant research and stimulating interdisciplinary scientific production. Through the thematic dossiers, the journal positions itself as a privileged space for debate and the dissemination of innovative knowledge in the field of Local Development.
Interações (Campo Grande) encourages the early dissemination of research in the form of preprints, but does not guarantee the final acceptance of the article in the journal. The submission of research to Interações (Campo Grande) should be guided by the following rules:
1 Submission: Authors submit their articles to the journal for evaluation.
2 Initial Evaluation by the Editorial Committee: Submitted articles undergo an initial evaluation by the editorial committee, which seeks to ensure the quality, relevance, and alignment of the production with the journal's criteria. Articles approved at this stage are made available in the Interações (Campo Grande) system with the purpose of enriching the exchange of knowledge in the academic community.
3 Peer Review: Articles submitted to the journal undergo peer review by specialists, who evaluate the content, methodology, and academic contribution of the work, to ensure quality and scientific validity.
3 Citation and Acknowledgment: Researchers who use information from Interações (Campo Grande) preprints in their research must cite them appropriately in their final articles.
4 Continuous Publication Flow and Inclusion in Subsequent Issues: After double-blind peer review, approved preprint articles will be included in the journal's normal flow.
It is crucial that authors understand that preprints are initial versions of their work. Peer review is an essential step to ensure the quality of articles before publication. Authors are recommended to consult the official policies of Interações (Campo Grande) for up-to-date and accurate information.
The standard evaluation method adopted by the journal is double-blind. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, and therefore, the review may be single-blind or open.
Peer Review Process
Interações (Campo Grande) employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and relevance of articles selected for publication. This process consists of several stages and involves a team of experts in the field of Local Development. The evaluation process is detailed as follows:
1 Initial Evaluation by the Editors-in-Chief: Upon receipt, articles undergo an initial evaluation by the Editors-in-Chief. At this stage, they assess whether the articles align with the journal's scope and editorial guidelines. Articles that meet the criteria are forwarded to the next stage.
2 Evaluation by Associate Editors and Those Responsible for Thematic Dossiers and Special Editions: Articles selected in the previous stage are sent to the Associate Editors and those responsible for the thematic dossiers. These specialists have expertise in the specific areas addressed by the articles and conduct a detailed evaluation. They consider the originality, relevance, methodology, structure, and contribution of the articles to the field of Local Development.
3 Ad hoc Reviewers: In certain cases, the Editorial Board may request the evaluation of articles by ad hoc reviewers. This occurs when a more in-depth analysis is needed or when the specificities of the knowledge areas require additional expertise. Ad hoc reviewers are external specialists, recognized in their respective research areas, who provide an impartial and well-founded opinion on the articles under evaluation.
4 Editorial Board Opinion: After the analysis by the Associate Editors and, if necessary, the ad hoc reviewers, the articles are submitted to the Editorial Board. The Board reviews the opinions and, based on these evaluations, makes the final decision on the publication of the articles. For an article to be published, it is necessary to obtain a positive and duly substantiated opinion, issued by a member of the Editorial Board.
5 Open Peer Review: The journal is adopting the publication of partial or complete reviews without the reviewer's name. The peer review process adopted by Interações (Campo Grande) ensures the quality and credibility of published articles. It involves careful review by renowned experts and guarantees that only relevant, original, and well-founded works are selected. This approach contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Local Development and strengthens the journal's reputation as a vehicle of excellence for the dissemination of high-level research.
Interações (Campo Grande) employs three types of peer review:
1 Double-blind peer review: In this modality, neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other's identity.
2 Single-blind peer review: In this modality, the authors reveal their identity, but the reviewers remain anonymous.
3 Open peer review: In this modality, both authors and reviewers know each other's identity.
Interações (Campo Grande) publishes the name of the editor responsible for the evaluation in the approved article.
The standard evaluation method adopted by the journal is double-blind. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, and therefore, the evaluation may be single-blind or open.
Open Data
Interações (Campo Grande) adheres to clear criteria in line with the principles of SciELO and other indexing bodies for data availability. These criteria include:
1 Availability: Authors are encouraged to make the datasets used in their research fully accessible. This includes sharing raw data, codes, and methods, as well as providing the necessary descriptions for understanding and replicating the results.
2 Open Access: Data should be made available in open, non-proprietary formats, allowing other researchers to access and use them without restrictions. This promotes transparency and the replicability of research.
3 Proper Licensing: Authors must assign appropriate licenses to their datasets, specifying the terms of use and reuse. The use of Creative Commons CC-BY licenses is recommended, which allows for sharing and adaptation of the data, provided that proper credit is given to the original authors.
4 Complete Metadata: Authors are responsible for providing complete and descriptive metadata about the data made available, including information about the data's origin, the methodology used for collection and processing, as well as any relevant limitations or peculiarities.
Fee Policy
This journal does NOT charge submission or publication fees for any texts.